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Captain Bobby Sullivan



First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting Icebreaker Charters!


Fishing has been my passion my whole life. I have been fishing the Great Lakes and its Tributaries for over 20 years. My father started me at a young age, letting my take full control over the back of the boat. Every trip I acted like a first mate, trying my hardest to put as many fish as I could on the deck of the boat! And that we did!


Fast forward 20 years, nothing has changed!


I enjoy taking new people fishing every year! To me, nothing is more rewarding than watching someone catch their first fish. I am very good fishing with women and children. Fishing is a family sport, so bring your whole family! You will never hear me yell, scream or cuss at clients or other boats.


I am constantly keeping up to date on new gear and techniques.


In the fall, winter and spring I specialize in river fishing, specifiaclly float (bobber) fishing for Salmon and Steelhead. I spend my summers on the Saginaw Bay chasing walleyes. We were some of the first to start trolling spoons for Walleyes. Late summer I move my boat to Lake Michigan to fish for Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, and Steelhead.


I am fully USCG certified and insured. I hold a OUPV Near Coastal Masters  captains liscense. I currently own 4 boats, two of which we run charters out of.


Feel free to contact me anytime by email or my cell phone. Please give me time to get back to you. I will not respond if I am on the water. I owe my clients full attention on each charter, and I will do the same for you!



-Capt. Bobby Sullivan







© 2016 Icebreaker Charters. Fishing charters for every season!

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